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anyone can use to improve their circumstances - work or personal.

JANUS is easy to LEARN - the first 2 chapters of the book explain all, with lots of exercises, examples and case studies.

And JANUS is easy to USE - the remaining chapters examine how to use JANUS in a variety of different ways - see CONTENTS page below (CLICK to expand it)

And JANUS takes no TIME! Because it is easy to learn and apply, it quickly becomes a NEW WAY OF THINKING. Instead of trying to do an extra chore, you will find yourself instantly visualising and describing in your mind positive outcomes - and the resulting image (eg of the new convinced and admiring customer) will spur you on!

CLICK on image of book cover to zoom in 



Using the JANUS process can be very motivational and inspiring for individuals and for teams, with much laughing and excitement as people realise what they actually CAN DO! Chapter 5 “Therapeutic Benefits of JANUS - Mindfulness” - is devoted to advising HOW to exploit this (unintended originally) by-product.

Janus is a potent tool for people at any level, in any role, to help them meet challenges and solve problems - short, medium or longer term; or recognise and realise opportunities; or set new high-reaching goals (AIM HIGH) - egs: for growth, profitability, competitiveness, CHANGE, or ....

... overcome the challenges, and/or exploit the opportunities, of a new “post-pandemic zeitgeist”


JANUS is not an “academic” book; it is an enjoyable read about day-to-day REALITY with examples anyone can relate to. Study THINK ABOUT IT! in conjunction with JANUS for “unavoidable” and very enjoyable SELF-DEVELOPMENT!

Whether someone uses JANUS initially in their workplace OR to achieve personal goals, they will always end up using it in BOTH as they develop their skills, empathy and CONFIDENCE as strategists, persuaders and communicators!

Bespoke Janus WORKshops

Going forward into 2022, Rick is offering two half day workshops designed to meet the needs of clients and tailor-made to the roles and challenges of delegates. Workshops can be any 4 hours, any day, any location. Nominated delegates are briefed to bring their own “case studies" (of current challenges and opportunities) to work with for learning AND designing strategic plans for IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION - with follow-up coaching as necessary with Rick (free of charge)

Workshop 1 “Janus Creative PLANNING

Always includes Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 9 refined to the “level" of the delegates, with the challenge and relevance ensured because they use the case studies they have prepared. Other content is included as prioritised during research consultations by Rick.

Workshop 2 “Janus Creative SELLING" - using chapter 8, "Visualising in PARTNERSHIP - Selling and Influencing"

Delegates must have attended Workshop 1, on which they will have prepared a “strategic scenario” AND an “intercourse project" to use as their case study on Workshop 2. These will be a range of ways to HELP / persuade others. Delegates take away two “Grand Designs" one strategic and one persuasive.


Workshop Fees

Workshop 1 - any 4 hours in a day fee £750 for up to 6 participants +£75 for each extra; including copies of the TWO books, JANUS and THINK ABOUT IT!

Workshop 2 - any 4 hours in a day fee £450 for up to 6 participants +£60 for each extra (delegates must have attended Workshop 1 at least 2 weeks earlier)

"When you try something new, you are LIVING. When you only do what makes you comfortable, you are SURVIVING"  -  from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!"

Impetus Training Ltd, reg nbr 7466178 - La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU -  tel: +44 (0)7831 345 373 -

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