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Creatively different workplace learning solutions for organisations in any sector or profession.

Our innovations and pragmatic approach develop people to develop RESULTS !


The Process

Team building  programmes are individually designed to be participative, with debates and “Teamwork Tasks” to enable your team to:

We have the experience and resources to be able to design programmes to challenge at any level, from “front line” teams to the boardroom. We can design your programme to include developing and refreshing a variety of skill sets:

Learn about each other and how to work together using “Experiential Teamwork Personality Profiling”

Strategic Business Skills

  • Creative and Lateral Thinking

  • Problem Solving, Decision Making

  • Mind Mapping, Brainstorming

  • JANUS Creative Planning

Communicating Skills

  • Questioning and Listening

  • Debating and Persuasiveness

  • Selling and Negotiating

  • Personal Projection

Relationship Building:

Teamwork Tasks

★ fine tune strategic objectives and priorities

★ develop strategies, plans and tactics

★ develop thinking and strategic skills

★ develop communicating skills,

★ consolidate relationships and synergy

We provide the setting, framework and resources for your team to design your own agenda. Your team will have its unique circumstances and objectives and we will help translate these into a programme that will be challenging, enjoyable and productive.

AG Barr plc Category and Shopper Marketing

view Agenda "The Catalysts"

AwayDays and WeekEnds

Impetus AwayDays ALWAYS focus on the team's business objectives - serious tactical planning and skill building AND, because you choose the activities, guaranteed FUN!


for leadership or departmental teams to - reflect - recharge - refocus

Above are the AG Barr plc Category and Shopper Marketing team on their Teambuilding Awayday, "The Catalysts", at the 4 star Wordsworth Hotel in the beautiful village of Grasmere in the Lake District in May 2016.


They enjoyed a mix of brain-teasing teamworking tasks, including outdoor adventure, creative skills development with Experiential Profiling and "A Little Book of Epigrams"; and serious strategic discussions and debates on their goals and challenges - especially their role in supporting other departments - they truly are THE CATALYSTS.



for our NEW CREATIVE Teambuilding services, including the option

to buy our most popular tasks to "Do It Yourself" please visit our

NEW dedicated web site -

Impetus Training - based in the UK - developing people to develop RESULTS in the UK, Europe & worldwide - Leadership, Teambuilding, Sales Training and Personal Growth 

© Impetus Training Ltd, reg nbr 7466178 - Sun House, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU -  tel: +44 (0)7831 345 373 -


We have over 100 Teamwork Tasks in our library - all written by ourselves - with varying degrees of intellectual and physical challenge - lasting from 30 minutes to a full day.

"When you try something new, you are LIVING. When you only do what makes you comfortable, you are SURVIVING"  -  from the book "THINK ABOUT IT!"

Impetus Training Ltd, reg nbr 7466178 - La Choza, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU -  tel: +44 (0)7831 345 373 -

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