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All prices exclude: vat where applicable, agreed costs/expenses and postage/shipping of Kits, Books and other DIY purchases

BESPOKE Courses & Workshops

THINK ABOUT IT! one day workshop £750 for up to 6 delegates plus £100 for each extra; half day £500 for up to 6 plus £75 for each extra

JANUS - £2,000 for half a day up to six delegates and £3,300 for a full day with a maximum of 10 delegates (but currently half price) - see JANUS Bespoke for details

Leadership half day and one day workshops and longer courses as required (see Bespoke Leadership Courses for details)

Truly Bespoke TEAMBUILDING £950 for a one day event for 10 people  - extra £100 each - plus £250 a day for research and consultations - see Share Care Communicate

Helping People to Buy & Persuasive Professional workshops - for a full day - £1,250 for up to 6 delegates plus £100 each for extra; for a half day - £750 for up to 6 delegates plus £75 each for extra

Assertive Negotiating (link to details) a one day Bespoke Workshop for a minimum 8 to 16 delegates - £1,250

Experiential Profiling (link to details) one day Bespoke Workshop - £1,250; half day £750 - any of the four applications -  Leadership, Teamworking, Salespeople, Persuasive Professional 

Other Tailor-Made training on any subject £750 for first day; £500 for subsequent days;  £250 per day for research (client; venue)

This is your Contact section paragraph. Encourage your reader to reach out with any questions, comments or to take a different action specific to your site.

D.I.Y and “EXTRAS”

D.I.Y. Kits are priced individually with all relevant

materials and equipment included. For details

of each kit see D.I.Y. Resources

The D.I.Y. Kit for THINK ABOUT IT is currently HALF PRICE
ie £100 for the full kit (with 6 books - £5 each for extra)


Books  - delivery included on books until end of 2024

Think About It is £11.99; all others are £14.99. Purchase 5 or more for a 15% discount (any mix of titles). Books required for courses and workshops, either in-house (D.I.Y.) or presented by Rick, are included in the fee. Extra Books (on top of those included in a Kit or a Bespoke event) are all priced at £12.00

How Good Are We at Teamwork questionnaires, personalised as necessary following remote consultation and delivered electronically in Word or PDF, are £25.

Teamwork in Action Behaviour Cheklists - pack of 20 for £25.

The 7 Responsibilities of a Team Leader laminated checklists are in packs of 10 for £20.

Experiential Profiling Bright and Dark side laminates - a choice of 4 applications pack of 10 for £50 

Beach Meditation_edited.jpg




La Choza, 18 South Road,

Amersham HP6 5LU

Bucks, UK.


+44 (0)7831 345 373

You don't have to complete the form, of course. Please call or email me if you have any queries or want to bounce ideas around .

Or, indeed, if you would like a complimentary copy of my new book “THINK ABOUT IT!”, which is the unexpected by-product of the lockdown of which I am most proud.

Rick Whitehead

Thanks for submitting!
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