Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
“share, care, communicate!”

for the ultimate balance between success, productivity and HAPPINESS!
Creatively different workplace learning solutions for organisations in any sector or profession.
Our innovations and pragmatic approach develop people to develop RESULTS !

JANUS Creative Planning® was originally conceived for salespeople complaining about "impossible" targets! Janus is easily understood, easily learned and, importantly, easy to apply without consuming time!
JANUS Creative Selling - salespeople refine presentations to use Janus techniques WITH their customers - using aspiration and visualisation questions to paint a picture to help customers describe ideal future outcomes.
Two stand-alone 4 hour workshops........ “JANUS Creative Planning®” and “JANUS Creative SELLING”
Two workshops
but three ways
to USE Janus:
Workshop One
Workshop Two
Strategic Planning

I have made 10% more calls in 10% less time and 10% less miles!
I have recruited 5 new clients in six months.
Helping customers/clients visualise success, aim higher and achieve more - in partnership with you.
visualise before the meeting what a customer WILL feel, say AND DO, immediately after your visit.
before you make a telephone call or send an email ask "what WILL the recipient feel, think and DO as a result?"
This incredibly difficult customer HAS given me my first order!
"What might the longer term effects be, say 12 months from now, of you rationalising your range, Mr Bloggs?"

Nominated delegates are briefed individually at least two weeks before their first workshop to ensure:

they each select 2 to 3 "case studies" of real life, current, difficult challenges to work with;
The final session on the first workshop is agreement on each delegate's "intercourse project" where they all commit to a strategy for a real situation to be achieved between workshops.
Following debrief presentations and discussion on projects, the 2nd workshop is devoted to Scenario Selling - planning strategies with real customers.
JANUS Creative Planning® is a lethal weapon for anyone who ever needs to sell, negotiate, persuade, influence, internally and externally. JANUS Creative Selling is possibly the best available tool for those who, to succeed, NEED to build relationships and partnerships with customers / clients.
between delegates there is a good, challenging mix of "scenarios" that are all relevant to all delegates;
they all individually (via remote coaching) understand the concept of Janus, so, on their workshop, we start with a level playing field
For "salespeople" in any role, with any title, at any level, who NEED to build relationships and partnerships with customers / clients.

All delegates are followed up with as much complimentary remote coaching as they want, to ensure they achieve their scenarios
and have become "unconsciously competent " at using Janus - they use it automatically - and can't help themselves!

Impetus Training - based in the UK - developing people to develop RESULTS in the UK, Europe & worldwide - Leadership, Teambuilding, Sales Training and Personal Growth
© Impetus Training Ltd, reg nbr 7466178 - Sun House, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - tel: +44 (0)7831 345 373 -