Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
Deciding you want to be more productive and fulfilled is a start.
The book "THINK ABOUT IT" will show you HOW to improve and achieve your true potential in an easy, enjoyable - even laugh-out-loud way! See example page
“share, care, communicate!”

for the ultimate balance between success, productivity and HAPPINESS!
Creatively different workplace learning solutions for organisations in any sector or profession.
Our innovations and pragmatic approach develop people to develop RESULTS !

"CREATIVE Negotiating"
Negotiating & Account Management Modules
"Creative Negotiating" is an action-packed two or three day course for professional salespeople at any level (each course is tailor-made)
Negotiating for WIN-WIN
the psychologies of buying, selling and negotiating
creative and lateral thinking and mind mapping
the steps to a negotiation
preparing to negotiate - VARIABLE ANALYSIS
opening a negotiation; the discussion phase
power questioning and listening
trading and bargaining for WIN-WIN
summarising and closing
POWER negotiating
Janus Creative Planning®
Janus for salespeople
body language and the negotiator
control and self control
analysis of information; evaluation techniques
profitable account management, strategic business planning
negotiating over the telephone
you can't "SELL" everything, but it's amazing what you can NEGOTIATE into a package!
EVERYONE in an interactive workplace should learn the skills of influencing and negotiating for WIN-WIN

"POWER Negotiating"
"POWER Negotiating" is a one day workshop for senior executives and top salespeople, negotiators and account managers.
When you can't "SELL" something it's time for some "POWER Negotiating"! Delegates work with their own challenging situations - and rehearse to establish what WILL work.

1 day workshop £1,250 for up to 6 delegates - extra £200 per head
Delegates learn creative and lateral thinking and an insight into JANUS Creative Planning, as well as learning the psychologies and disciplines of negotiating for WIN-WIN.
Impetus Training - based in the UK - developing people to develop RESULTS in the UK, Europe & worldwide - Leadership, Teambuilding, Sales Training and Personal Growth
© Impetus Training Ltd, reg nbr 7466178 - Sun House, 18 South Road, Amersham, Bucks HP6 5LU - tel: +44 (0)7831 345 373 -