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Self Help Books by Rick Whitehead

“My books reflect both the evolving realities of 2020s workplaces and my personal beliefs and teaching style (egs, learning should always be fun and you CAN teach an old dog NEW tricks!) They are all hopefully enjoyable to read and, because they define MY approach if, after reading a book, you can relate to the principles and my style, please have a look at my BESPOKE page and/or get in touch!”

All books can be used for both SELF Development and “Group Therapy” (helping people see themselves as OTHERS see them) 

Choosing a Book

Books have been written/updated between 2021 and 2023 and take into account the "post pandemic zeitgeist". The ones people prioritise will vary but all should read "THINK ABOUT IT!" first. Be honest with yourself about what you like/dislike; what (who) you fear; what you want from your job and your life. 

Then study others as you wish, depending on your role, ambitions and your comfort zone! Follow the links above to find out more about each book (and maybe kill any assumptions you are making based on the titles!)  But boost your Self Knowledge and insight into others' personalities (developing your empathy) by studying THINK ABOUT IT! first!

USING the Books

None are text books or "academic". I am a pragmatist with a sense of humour rather than a theorist! All are SELF HELP books - conceived to help anyone become BETTER - especially in their interactive and strategic abilities. And not only at work, but also in social and family situations. 

Books are £15.99 each; purchase 5 or more (any mix of titles) for £12.99 each. Books required for courses and workshops, either in-house (D.I.Y.) or presented by Rick, are included in the fee. Until our web shop is up and running, please email/call Rick to order and we will invoice you in the old fashioned way!


"Trust and believe others ALL THE TIME - life is much more relaxing and fulfilling than being paranoid!"  -  THINK ABOUT that! (Epigram 57)

For a tip on HOW to think about it go to  HOW the book works on our THINK ABOUT IT page

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